Before you move house, making sure your new home is perfect is a top priority. But you also have to be sure that the neighbourhood you’re moving to is the right fit. You can change almost anything in a house with money but you can’t change the neighbourhood This article is designed to help you figure out whether the area you’re looking at is awesome or awful (or perhaps somewhere in between). We reveal our top five ways to assess a neighbourhood to help you with your house hunting.
Be True to Yourself
The first step to deciding if a neighbourhood is right for you is figuring out exactly what it is that you are looking for. Websites like Walk Score are great for rating a neighbourhood’s walkability, but ultimately it all depends on your unique lifestyle. Before looking at different neighbourhoods, ask yourself the following questions:
- How far are you willing to commute? Do you prefer to walk, take public transportation, or drive?
- Do you have kids, or are you planning to in the future? If so, are there good schools in the area and is it a safe environment for kids to play? Note that even if you don’t have kids, a good school district is such a strong selling point that it will help you get a better price for your home if you decide to resell.
- Are there parks or community centers around? If you love running on trails, or doing a weekly yoga class, make sure you can find these amenities close by.
- How about restaurants and coffee shops? Some people need to be within walking distance of a Starbucks. It may sound insignificant to some, but if that’s a part of your daily routine, then it’s important!
- What type of home do you want, for example, a condo, townhouse, or a detached family home? Are there plenty available in the area? If not, you may have to pay a premium when something does come up.
- Do you prefer to be in a historic neighbourhood or a new development? Historic neighbourhoods have tons of character, but there may be stricter rules about what you can and can’t do with heritage homes.
- What is your current neighbourhood lacking? Do you wish you were on the water or could walk more places? Knowing what you don’t want can be just as important as knowing what you like!
Take these points, divide them into ‘needs’ and ‘wants,’ and list them in order of priority. Every area has its pros and cons, so it’s really about knowing what’s most important to you and what you’re willing to compromise on, when you assess a neighbourhood.
Narrow It Down
Now that you know what you’re looking for, it’s time to narrow the search! If you’ve already lived in a city for a while, it may be easy. But if you are new to town, it might be a bit more challenging. Look up your workplace on a map, and zoom out to the approximate radius from which you are willing to commute. Now take a drive around and find a few areas that seem to fit the bill.
The biggest consideration to keep in mind during your search is your budget. Of course, everyone wants to live in the swankiest neighbourhood, but you need to be realistic about which areas you can actually afford. Going online to check out average home prices in each area will give you a good estimate of whether or not they fit the bill, and help you assess a neighbourhood better.
Experience It For Yourself
Most people only visit homes during the day. But sometimes things can look very different at night. The key when you assess a neighbourhood is to visit at a few different times of the day and night throughout the week. Maybe you didn’t realize how bad the traffic was at rush hour? Or perhaps it’s loud on weekends? Is traffic louder at night than you expected? Notice some questionable characters hanging about at night? That could be a concern too.
Take a walk around and check out the local grocery store, gym, or coffee shop. Is it a place where you can really picture yourself and your family? Are the houses well maintained? Are there a lot of “For Sale” signs or rentals in the neighbourhood? These could be warning signs. If your community goes downhill, so does your home’s value.
Do Your Research
Purchasing a home is likely the single largest investment you’ll ever make. Be sure to do your research to make sure it’s a wise one. Here are some of the different ways to get the scoop on perspective neighbourhoods:
- Check online to see what the crime rates are like. Many big cities offer detailed crime maps. But if you are in a small town, ask around or stop by the local police division. There will most likely be an officer available to answer a few questions. Other than violent crimes, your big concerns should be robberies and break and enters.
- Find out if there’s a ‘best neighbourhoods’ issue of a local magazine that offers annual reviews? Their criteria of judging a neighbourhood may not be the same as yours, but at least you can read more about the pros and cons of each area.
- Ask around! This also gives you a great chance to see how friendly the neighbours are!
Ask The Experts!
Experienced real estate agents know the ins and outs of each neighbourhood. They can tell you what makes an area popular, or why it might not be right for you. They can also tell you if your wish list matches up with your budget in a given area. Maybe getting more for your money will win out over having public transportation nearby. Ultimately, at some point in the future you are probably going to move. So thinking long-term and considering how sellable a property is important, even when it’s not yours yet!
Do you need help deciding which neighbourhood is a good fit for you and your family? As always, your ThompsonSells team is here to help every step of the way!
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